It's where I want to go. Out into the wilderness and let God have His shake it off of me...out of me. He may have to carry me out, but I'm comin' out. Come what
Isn't that what it feels like sometimes?
A wilderness in our souls. Let us remember as we travel, His joy in the wilderness is our
It reminds me of this beautiful part in Hosea 2, that is my absolute
favorite. For whatever reason, it's the easiest place for me to be
intimate with God.
Therefore, behold, I will allure her,
and bring her
into the wilderness,
and speak
tenderly to her.
And there I will give her her
and make the
Valley of Achor a door of hope.
And there she shall answer
as in the
days of her youth
as at the time when she came out of the
land of Egypt.
And in that day, declares the Lord,
you will call me ‘My Husband,’
and no longer will you call me ‘My Baal.’
Hosea 2:14-15
God won't give up on us, friends.
The Valley Of Achor (trouble) will
become the door of hope. It describes the redemption promised by God. For us!!
Us!! We will walk out of the wilderness brides of hope! Brides of joy! No
longer married to the world, no longer married to its security!
His very voice can shake the wilderness He uses to change us.
So let's stop fighting it. Let's just
let it come. I'm weeping as I type this because I can feel us all withering
away in different ways because life is crushing us. WE NEED TO FIGHT! We cannot
go down! I'm scared and I'm weary and I'm worn. I'm scared for you, I see
your fear, I see how exhausted you are. How your soul melts away from sorrow.
How your eye wastes away from grief.
Those who have gone before us, who are in the very presence of
Jesus, are screaming out to us KEEP GOING, YOU DON'T KNOW, YOU CAN'T IMAGINE WHAT'S
And I hear them. I hear them, don't you? They know from first hand experience now. We may be throwing
water on each other while we run this race but they're at the finish
line with confetti and a whole ocean of water for us to jump into. A finish
line where we'll never be tired or thirsty again.
Invite God to shake your wilderness today.
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