Willow’s speech is so severely delayed, we had her assessed today to receive
private speech therapy along with the awesome therapy she receives at school.
Today was the first assessment I’ve ever gone to with Willow that I left surprised and flabbergasted. That’s right, I said
Willow left with two suckers, one she snuck haha
When we
were in Cincinnati 6 weeks ago with her developmental pediatrician, we noted
that while she’s made huge improvements, she’s still developmentally-wise at
about 24 months (if that). Willow is 3 and a half. Even with all of the many therapies she’s received in
her lifetime, even with being in preschool, even with all the stuff we do at home
that she doesn’t realize is “work.” We started to realize, ok, progress is
good, but maybe she’ll never get “better.” Maybe she’ll just always be delayed
and that’s ok. And we really are ok with that…we just want Willow, not necessarily development.
And then
today happened. The miraculous.
As the
speech therapist evaluated her, I saw her do things I’ve NEVER EVER seen her
do. Understand things she’s never understood. For example, Willow would
look at a page with four different pictures and be asked, “Sally got hurt, how
do you think she got hurt?” Willow pointed at the picture of Sally who fell off the bike, as opposed to Sally sitting on a chair, or Sally eating sushi (ok,
that wasn’t an option, I’m just really craving a Godzilla roll).
Wait, what was I saying?
after question after question like that, she answered appropriately. Then out of
nowhere, she showed us that she knows the difference between boy and girl.
She doesn’t
know any of the alphabet (but she knows the rhythm of the song!), she doesn't use pronouns or verbs, she doesn't have a grasp on shape/letter/number recognition, but who cares? She
loves to snuggle me, that’s all I care about.
Question: What is the shape of a snuggle?
Follow up: Just snuggle me, toddler.
The biggest
thing: SHE CAN FLIPPING COUNT TO 10 (sort of). She knows the rhythm
of counting, she gets to 3 and then 5 and then 8,9,TEN. She doesn’t exactly understand the concept of counting, but she can say the numbers!!! WHEN DID SHE
LEARN THAT???? Miss Susie and Miss Amanda are miracle workers. New Beginnings Childcare and Learning Center was a godsend.
I will
remember this moment. I’ll hang onto it on the hard days and use it as
fuel to keep me going when the days are frustrating and it seems as if we are going backwards. Most of the
time the process of growth of anything is painful, so if we want the results, we have
to put up with the pain. I wrote a poem about it HERE called, "To Remain A Seed" if you'd like to read it.
That said,
results aren’t what I’m going for. It’s giving her the tools she needs to be
who God called her to be and that’s Willow Gracen Hutchinson, lover of water and dancing to the theme songs of cartoons. It’s LoLo who insists on
sleeping next to her daddy every night saying, “I seep dahhhhhhdyyyy.” It’s Lo who
is so quick to say “I’m sorry” which is WAY more important than letters and
numbers in my book! It's LoLo G who thinks she has to fake cough before she takes a drink of water, even if no one is looking. It's this little thang that sees blueberries in the store and shouts out (as loud as her toddler voice can) BOOOOOBIES!!!!!!
A funny thing that happened was when the speech therapist asked her, “where is your elbow?” and Willow pointed to her hair bow. Willow looked pretty proud of herself and it made sense since she calls it an "ow boh." She got full credit for answering that one!
From the
beginning, everyone sort of suspected childhood apraxia of speech (rightly so, it seemed as if that is what the diagnosis would end up being) which is a tough
road. We could have done it, but our road is already tough and I was tired
thinking about it. Today, while we haven’t ruled out apraxia completely, it seems
that it’s a phonological disorder instead (still a tough road, but not necessarily a
neurological one). We heard words today like: final consonant deletion, initial consonant deletion, cluster reduction, fronting and stopping.
Guys, today
I’m just encouraged. Hopeful. Joyful. Not looking ahead. Enjoying
the daily bread that God has given me and today it happens to be honey
cornbread, which is my favorite. Or oooohhhhhhhh those crescent rolls at
#ps #ilovefood
I’m proud of Willow and it has nothing to do with what age she tests as or what new skills she develops. I’m just
so proud to be her mom, period. She doesn't resist the winds of change and hardship, she embraces and then dances with them. She’s as resilient as a Willow Tree.
bending; never breaking
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