Sunday, April 30, 2017

Busted Can Of Biscuits Lady Is My Spirit Animal

Just now, a dish fell within the cabinet and the sound of that made me react as if I had actually been stabbed.  I grabbed my chest and doubled over while half gasping/half breathing. 

It was a beautiful moment.
One I wish you had seen.  

Apparently that is my defensive stance. If anyone actually ever breaks in, I'm not sure the fetal position is the best position from which to protect my home. It's true, I react before I rationalize. 

You know that fake story of the woman who left her groceries in her hot car and when she got in, a can of biscuits popped open and hit her in the back of the neck and she thought she'd been shot?  SHOT! She thought the biscuits on her neck were her brains.  HER BRAINS! 

That woman is my spirit animal.  

What kind of evil monster...?

It made me think, while that kind of response can be typical with people when unexpected things happen like a car backfire or a loud noise, when we do it regarding the spoken word, it's rarely good.  

React first to what you hear or read and be rational later. Just hurry and get a viewpoint vocalized before someone else speaks!

If everyone is like this, then no one is really listening to anyone.  Everyone is just waiting to react. No one cares about being rational!  I don't like to imagine the type of world that would create.   I don't even have to imagine it when it's displayed so often on social media.  I see it daily. I fall into the trap of it more often than I'd like to admit because it's a human response.  I want more, though. I want to fight it and listen when people speak. 

Lord, teach us to hear what people are saying and let it sink in before we respond. 

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