You may think when you read that meme that people don't really think that way or share that kind of thing publicly. They do and they do. Obviously not all people, but there are people out there that talk this way at family dinners and mulling around outside of church before they go to lunch. People who "tell it like it is" share these things and tell us not to get "butthurt" (which is a word I can't despise enough).
Sweet Jesus, are you serious?
My search to find mean memes shocked me.
I think that the way we view people who receive assistance (welfare, food stamps, medical cards) is disgusting. I'm not even talking about bills that are or aren't being passed, I'm talking about the memes that are shared.
Our family has been "those people." And before you say, "oh I'm not talking about you, you needed it." Stop. Yes you are. You're talking about me and you're talking about human beings. You can't lump us all together or separate as you please.
And even if you do have the super power of weeding out the "moochers" and meme-ing only about them, do you know who you're also hurting? Who gets hit by the cross-fire of your sarcasm and wit? ME. Or the recently divorced mom of three who doesn't have insurance for her kids, a place to live or food in the pantry. It makes us feel less than, no matter what we know about ourselves.
Are you proud of yourself? You really "got" those who take advantage of the system by posting a mean meme that also happened to crush the spirit of another human being trying to survive. So many hand claps to you, good job.
Also, I'm sure you've seen the history of those moochers and are by their side showing them their worth and that they, whether accepting assistance or not, have a place in this world.
Oh WAIT. You're stuck behind the glow of your smartphone, deciding who matters as you blast them with words and eye rolls.
Dear those accepting assistance in need. Dear those taking advantage of the system:
You matter. I see you.
Someone who has been there.
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