Monday, February 20, 2017

A Sojourner's Traveling Guide

God absolutely just blew me away and wouldn't let me stop typing.  It all stems from the heading for Romans 12:9-21, which is, "Marks of the True Christian." I looked up the definition for the word "mark" (no scholarly biblical studies, just the ol' dictionary) and look at what it says: 

A guide for travelers;
A distinguishing trait or quality;
A cross made in place of a signature

As we sojourn upon the earth, ambassadors for Christ in a foreign land, He gives us traits we should strive for in order to best represent Him. 

We are travelers in a world 
that is not our home. 
But He's given us a traveling guide.

God has given us a guidebook filled with advice, instruction, information and direction on how to represent Him in this land that is not our own. This is our whole purpose! Shouldn't we study these words with everything in us?  

Obviously, what I'm about to show you isn't everything God has told us to do and be, it's actually one small section of a giant book FILLED with pages. But it's a really long list that's all been placed together.  There is SO MUCH in there. 
Let's take a look at each mark one by one (the full set of scriptures will be at the bottom). To be clear, I'm not attempting to translate it, it's already perfect. I just want you to see how I look at each one. 


Let love be genuine
Don't let your love be fake or for your own gain. Don't let hypocrisy touch your love.

Let's talk about biblical love for a moment.  God shows us that love is a complete giving of yourself. Your time, your passions, your life.  Love is unconditional and it is not based on feelings or emotions. Keep that in mind every time you hear the word love, especially in regards to instruction on how we should represent God. 

Abhor what is evil
Detest sin, loathe the enemy, run away from anything that looks like evil.

Hold fast to what is good
Maintain a tight grasp on everything that is of God.  This includes His words, His instruction.

Love one another with brotherly affection 
While we already talked about what real love is, it can take many forms. It's not sterile; it may not be based on emotions, but it includes affection.

Love is showing the fondness and friendship that you would show a sibling. 

Outdo one another in showing honor
Seek to always show honesty, fairness, and respect to others--as much as you can. 

This doesn't reference competition in who can be the most honorable. More like..don't look at what someone else does and think that's enough. Don't let "as much" as someone else be your standard. 

Do not be slothful in zeal
Don't be lazy in your desire and enthusiasm for your mission. Don't lay down on the job. As you work for the Lord, do so happily and enthusiastically. 

Be fervent in spirit
Let His Spirit burn inensely within you! Glow with it and don't stop!

Serve the Lord 
Be of use to the One who sent you. Why would you say "send me" and then not listen to the One who sent you. Work hard for the Lord, in the power He gives you.

Rejoice in hope
Take delight in the expectation of what you know God will do. Be happy out loud that hope is not wishful thinking. 

Hope is knowing. 

Be patient in tribulation
Steadily persevere and endure all trials and suffering on the road you are walking. You will face trials of many kinds, what are you going to do in the face of that?  Be patient. 

Be constant in prayer 
Exist in continual conversation with God. 

Thank Him, adore Him, confess your sins to Him, ask for forgiveness, tell Him your thoughts and feelings, laugh with Him, ask Him for what you need.  Be persistent in your communion. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.

Contribute to the needs of the saints
Give of your time and what you have--things like money, food, drink, shelter--to other Christians. We share what we have because the truth is, it all belongs to God, we are just stewards of His property.

Seek to show hospitality 
Try to find ways that you can treat guests and strangers in a friendly way. Don't just wait for an opportunity to arise.  Look for one! 

Bless those who persecute you
Ask God to show favor to the very people who oppress, harass, and hurt you because you are serving/representing God. 

Turn the other cheek and when you look forward again, may it be with a blessing on your tongue. You don't turn the other cheek to prove how strong you are or how much you can take; you turn it to show your humility. 

Bless and do not curse them
After you bless them, go one step further--pray that good comes to those who persecute you. Do not wish them harm or misfortune, no matter what they want for you or do to you. 

Rejoice with those who rejoice
Proclaim delight and happiness with those who are feeling that, too.

This life isn't just about surviving persecution, God INSTRUCTS us to rejoice!  

Weep with those who weep 
Outwardly grieve and mourn with those who are in pain. They need it and you need it. 

Live in harmony with one another 
Live in agreement with all types of people, all working together amidst your differences.

Do not be haughty
Don't look at others and feel better than they are.  Worse, do not act that way: snobby, arrogant, proud, scornful of other people's ways (especially those that don't know Jesus). Remember, you are representing Christ. 

Associate with the lowly
Connect with and work with those who don't have a title or high position according to the world. Look for those who are humble.

Never be wise in your own sight 
Ask God for wisdom. Don't ever assume that you alone can discern right from wrong because your own history, sin and pridefulness can't help but get in the way. You can't do it, you can't be wise, your eyes see only the surface, but God sees all things and works in pure wisdom. 

In fact, we can thank God that we DON'T know all of the layers because I'm not sure we could handle it.  He gives us HIS wisdom without burdening us with HIS knowledge.
Repay no one evil for evil
If someone harms you, don't then harm them in retaliation.  If someone causes disaster to fall on you, don't then vow to get them back in the same or a worse manner. Be free from this thinking.

Give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all 
Spend time pondering and thinking about DOING, acting on what is upright, noble, no matter what is done to you. No matter what everyone else is doing.

Don't do it in private and let that be enough; act in honor in full view of everyone so that it stays with them and they can wonder, "why is he/she different?"

Live peaceably with all
Live among others with the disposition of avoiding conflict. Will conflict come?  Of course, but don't seek it out because you like living in it. 

Don't be argumentative for the sake of argument. LISTEN to others' views and THINK before you speak.  

Never avenge yourselves
NEVER inflict harm or trouble on someone who has done that to you or someone else.  Don't seek to punish those who have wronged you. 

If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if your enemy is thirsty, give him something to drink 
Not only should you abstain from vengeance, the Lord calls you to take it one giant step forward.  

Imagine that someone has done something terrible to your family. Then imagine that person at the head of your table, eating food you prepared and his cup is filled to the brim with drink. 

Food represents nourishment to the body which is good and we can't live without water. 

So essentially, what we are doing is giving our enemy, the one who has hurt us, strength and life.  When you ask "why?" and seek out the answer, I think you'll find the heart of God Himself. (Hint, see the next mark).

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good
Do not let those who wish you harm overpower or overwhelm you.  Instead, take that momentum that you may have used to repay their evil for evil and OVERWHELM those who are wishing you bad, with GOOD. 

THIS is how you are victorious. 


These things are how you walk with Jesus daily. It's not only instruction, but it shows us what should naturally-- instinctually, by the Spirit--flow from our hearts. We don't have to dig and dig and dig to find the secret of life, my friends.  It's all laid out for us. It's as if we go prepared to dig up old ancient fossils in a faraway land and when we get to the excavation site, all of the fossils are cleaned off and on the surface of the sand.  

We don't have to have a 
biblical archaeology degree 
in order to understand what He's saying. 
We don't have to be biblical scholars 
to attain what His plans are for our lives.  

The set of scriptures you just looked at is NOT advice.  It's not a pretty little list of what makes you a good human being. It's the opposite; it's how you kill the humanity clawing to get out and act like Jesus, which goes against all laws of human nature. It's dying to yourself daily and rising up IN Him. It's walking in newness of life. THIS IS INSTRUCTION FROM GOD!  

These are things we have no choice in for the good of those around us, ourselves, and the glory of God.  When did we get the idea that we could put a pretty background behind His words, stick it on the home screen of our phone and that would be enough?  

Or nothing. 

First of all WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE LIST IS and then it needs to be studied and so ingrained in our hearts that we CAN'T HELP but BE these qualities.  They are what God is and we need to strive for them for the rest of our lives.  

If you look up there at the last definition of "mark" it doesn't really have anything to do with this, but I thought that it was very poetic and beautiful. 

"A cross made in place of a signature." 

It serves as a reminder of what we're doing here.  We are messengers for a God who took on human form, died on a cross and was resurrected. When He left the earth again, He gave us His Spirit so that we could have the power to speak for Him. In this way, it's like He sent us here to sign for him.  

It's our signature, but His permission. 
Our voice, but His Word.
We speak the promise, 
but HE is the one who will uphold it. 

That was just a little aside, I'll end with one more scripture of loving instruction. 

He has told you, O man, 
what is good; 
and what does the Lord 
require of you but to 
do justice, 
and to love kindness, 
and to walk humbly 
with your God?
Micah 6:8

Let love be genuine. 
Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 
Love one another with brotherly affection. 
Outdo one another in showing honor. 
Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, 
serve the Lord. 
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, 
be constant in prayer. 
Contribute to the needs of the saints 
and seek to show hospitality. 
Bless those who persecute you; 
bless and do not curse them. 
Rejoice with those who rejoice, 
weep with those who weep. 
Live in harmony with one another. 
Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. 
Never be wise in your own sight. 
Repay no one evil for evil, 
but give thought to do what is honorable 
in the sight of all. 
If possible, so far as it depends on you, 
live peaceably with all. 
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, 
but leave it to the wrath of God, 
for it is written, 
“Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 
To the contrary, 
“if your enemy is hungry, feed him; 
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; 
for by so doing you will 
heap burning coals on his head.” 
Do not be overcome by evil, 
but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:9-21

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