Friday, February 24, 2017

Opportunity to Serve

We had a leadership meeting at church one day and afterwards I got on twitter and saw that Pastor Steve retweeted this amazing quote on the subject:

It's truth. The word that makes me weep is "opportunity." We GET to serve. It's a good reminder that leaders are to be servants and it's for the good of everybody. I love when I see how God takes titles and situations and flips them from how you think they should be. 

Another example is Matthew 20, when we learn that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. 

While it seems that you'd want to be first, or you'd want the glory from leading, the real satisfaction comes from humbling yourself and glorifying God. He knew we'd be like this. He knew with how skewed our view of the world and His kingdom would be, how we'd need to remember with opposites.   

Sometimes we need shocked a little and that's ok. 

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