Wednesday, February 15, 2017

God Doesn't Wait For You To Change, He Loves You First

All of the following are Pastor Steve Wayne's words and I happen to love them, so they are the entire blog. I know it will speak to your heart because it's one of the truest things I've ever read. 

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”-Romans 5:8

That is my favorite scripture in regards to how God rescued me from my sin. Those words mean that God always makes the first move toward His children. It means that I was lost in sin-not even looking in His direction or caring about His existence- when, full of love, grace, and mercy, He came crashing in the room. It means that I will never be able to say the words, "I got my act together and came to Jesus" or "I turned over a new leaf."

Instead, I get to say (with a huge smile on my face at how ludicrous and beautiful this is), "Jesus found me with my back turned and my heart cold and full of sin.  He gently but firmly turned me around and showed His love and mercy toward me. Me!  He didn't wait for me to be a better person. He didn't wait for me to go to church.  He found me right where I was and loved me FIRST."

If you're having moments where you feel like God may be speaking to you but you don't know Him, His hand is already on your shoulder.

Turn around and Embrace Him.

Pastor Steve Wayne pastors (my!) Celebration Church in Huntington, WV. 

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