Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Placing My Eyes On Jesus

Sometimes we ask God for something and our next step is to beg, plead and cry for it (because nothing says Holy like a big rantin' temper tantrum).  As if any form of intensity is what it takes to receive. 

Just a fun picture of my toddler throwing a tantrum 
for a completely irrational reason!

Meanwhile, He's made it happen, but we're so fixated on the idea of not having it that we can't see it's already been manifested right in front of us! 

Our hands are so clenched in fervor and intensity 
that He doesn't have anywhere to place it.  

Let's take our eyes off of what we want and how fast we want it and place them on the One capable of actually giving it to us.  If I was God (and let's all take a minute to celebrate the fact that I'm not), I would spend so much time frustrated. And yet...while He has all the reason in the world to be disappointed and frustrated with us, He loves us first and deals with us second.  In perfect patience, He loves us onto the right path.  

Imagine if we took that logic into the world?

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