Saturday, February 11, 2017

College Degrees, Debt and Purpose

I was in Kroger and the woman in the next aisle was talking about how she told her soon to be graduating nephew, "if you want to be debt free and have a secure life and make some killer money you need to..."

Me, internally: don't say get a college degree, don't say get a college degree...

Auntie: "...GET a college DEGREE. If he works hard, everything will work out just fine for his future. I told him that, too."

I didn't want to be a parade rainer, so I just checked out with my English degree while I paid for diapers with $5 cash and $5 change and laughed and laughed and laughed as I walked away. Like this:

When will people understand that there are more things to a content life than a degree they think will lead to happiness? If you want a degree GET ONE.  Will you need one in order to get your foot in the door to live your passion?  Maybe. I'd love to begin teaching young people what is more important in my book, regardless of if you get a degree or not. Which is...

Love within your means, don't get into debt, don't think big, shiny things will make you a more fulfilled person. 

THAT kind of living will enable you to go live out your passion because you have more natural freedom when you aren't weighed down by debt and stuff.  Life hits us equally out of nowhere but how much better prepared will you be mentally and financially to handle it if you aren't buried under shiny stuff and debt? 

You're going to want to fight me on this. I can feel it. But just listen. Degrees and colleges are great and I'm proud of you for doing what is best for you. In fact, look at this excitement: 

But it's not where your worth lies and it doesn't promise an easy life with a steady paycheck, good insurance and money to retire on. Don't do it for someone else or because you think you have to do it. Love day to day within your means, serve others with the passion God gave you and be kind. It's what I want my kids to know. 

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