Friday, February 17, 2017

Living Stones Are Not Rejected

Do you feel rejected? Abandoned? Worthless? 
Look at this scripture:

As you come to him, a living stone 
rejected by men but in the sight of God 
chosen and precious, 
you yourselves like living stones 
are being built up as a spiritual house, 
to be a holy priesthood, 
to offer spiritual sacrifices 
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 2:4-5 

When you come to God rejected, abandoned, and worthless, He grabs you, looks you in the eyes and conveys to you: 

You are accepted.
You are chosen.
You are precious. 
You are a living stone who will be 
placed together with other stones (people) 
who have felt like you but are now 
filled with purpose in My name. 
Stone by living stone, you will all be used 
to build a spiritual house. 
A house that moves and serves 
and is holy and makes the most 
beautiful sacrificial offerings. 

He bids you to comeDo you feel rejected, abandoned, and worthless? Talk to me. Talk to Isaac. Let us tell you that while it's ok to feel what you feel now, it's not true in the eyes of your Heavenly Father. This is true whether you have met Him or not. 

But you may have met The Hutchinsons...

Do you trust us to tell you that when you feel rejected, abandoned, and worthless, WE SEE YOU AS accepted, chosen, and precious? We see you that way because Jesus (who sees you that way) lives within us. 

And SAINTS: if you know Jesus and you still feel rejected, abandoned and worthless, let us pray with you and remind you of the truth of WHO and WHOSE you are. 

Listen, some of you really HAVE been rejected in this life and it's not just a feeling. It's your reality. That beautiful scripture up there tells us that what the world rejects, God sees as precious and USES for good and a purpose.  And we see you that way too, because of the living hope that resides within us. 

If you need prayer for these things, tell us please. I have definitely felt this way and spent a long time battling it. 

You. Aren't. Alone. 

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