Saturday, February 18, 2017

A Whole Broken Mess

Have you every had a day when you just feel so broken?  No matter what anyone tells you, no matter what you know about Jesus, you just feel so incomplete? Everyone does, so don't feel guilty about it. It's just another place where Jesus is waiting on you. I want to give you some advice about it.

When you sense your own broken mess 
and decide to take a step toward Him,  
don't think, RUN FAST! 

In that sprint, don't pray rational prayers, pray supernatural. I don't mean getting excited for the sake of getting excited and shouting out nonsense because it sounds good. I mean how the dictionary defines supernatural: 

attributed to some force 
beyond scientific understanding 
or the laws of nature

Pray in His Spirit who will groan for you when there are no words.  Pray WILDLY in the face of habit! What God does in our lives can seem so irrational to us because it has nothing to do with what makes sense or what we can understand. It's impossible and it's improbable and it doesn't have to be linear. It's something no human can do.

So come feeling broken up, broken down, just come to Him. 

no matter how broken you feel. 

I'll be at Celebration Church on Sunday mornings at 10:30 if you want to meet Him there. I can attest to the fact that Celebration is a safe, loving place to fall apart if you need somewhere like that. I've done it many times. It doesn't matter what you wear, what time you get there or what you were doing last night. God is fighting for you and we are, too. I know so many churches like this and it's just beautiful.  Or go back to your home church, or find somewhere else, it doesn't matter, just go with an open heart.  Open up a bible if you can't leave where you are now; then open up that bible every single day. 

That fact that we feel broken in our wholeness doesn't scare or surprise God. It doesn't make him mad that He gave His son to death so that we could live and be whole only for us to feel broken. 

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