Friday, March 31, 2017

The Hutchinson Big Announcement (2017 edition): Our Children of Light

Last year, we brought you this blog: The Hutchinson Big Announcement! #HutchSchool

This year, we're going back...but not backwards. Let's recap. 

2010 to 2016 
Private school for the kiddos 

2016 to 2017
Homeschool for the 2 bigs and public preschool for the little 

2017 to 20wewillsee
Zoe in private school
Asher in public school
Willow in public preschool

You can't say we judge different schooling decisions haha. We've nearly done it all.  Last year when we decided to homeschool (you can see the blog for our reasons), it felt right and so exciting.  Trepidation mixed with optimistic enthusiasm.  Excitement. 

I bet you're assuming since we aren't doing it this coming year that it was terrible and not what we expected.  You'd be partly right.  It wasn't what we expected.  But it wasn't terrible. 

It was beautiful. 

And it was so incredibly right.  For that year.  Asher changed medicines for his epilepsy an untold number of times.  He spent time in the hospital, we spent a lot of time at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, and the worst part: he lost all of the knowledge he had learned from kindergarten on when the medications were at their most brutal.  We waited for that knowledge to come back, we assumed it would. 

It never did. 

For this reason, homeschool was most needed for Asher then and public school is what is most needed now. While he was going through all of those things, there is NO WAY that he could have stayed in or passed 2nd grade.  He would have felt frustrated, embarrassed, confused and stupid. I got to shelter him from that.  We still did school, but nothing like what anyone would imagine it looked like. Zoe got to learn at home as a bonus.  It was just an experiment year for her.  She loved it AND she's happy to go back to Covenant. I'd call that a win. 

When we assessed what was needed as the kids moved onto the next school year, I was devastated to realize that it wasn't homeschool. Asher needs help now, the kind that I can't give him.  As opposed to last year, I am not moving forward with excitement. More like resigned sadness and peace.  

I don't want to go back to the stressful mornings, packed together evenings of homework, dance, dinner, baths, after school moodiness and that be our every single day.  School projects, due dates, homework, (did I mention homework?), adjustments, tests, IEPS, 504s, therapies for 2 kids, my own therapy, THREE DIFFERENT KIDS AT THREE DIFFERENT SCHOOLS WITH THE SAME DROP OFF AND PICK UP TIMES!!!!!! That doesn't even cover the worry of food allergies and epilepsy in a school where I don't know anyone. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Jesus send help. (And He will). I have to trust that if He is telling me to do it, He has equipped not only us as the parents, but everyone who will come into contact with Asher specifically. 

I know it's the right decision, so we're going to make it and move on.  As a sweet friend reminded me at church a few Sundays ago, I'm not the same person I was 2 years ago when they were in school.  I've gotten help for my mental issues and I'm WAY more healthy in that department.  I'm focused and determined in a way that I haven't ever been.  That gives me hope for the coming school year.  I'm excited to meet my new self as a mom of children in the school system. I pray for stamina, peace, wisdom and patience in this. Which is the same thing I want in all areas of life.  

HutchSchool was never meant to "work." It was never meant to last forever, or not last forever.  It was just what God was telling us to do at that time, so we obeyed and we will never regret obeying his commands.  

For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. 1 John 5:3

I am so blown away by how much God loves us.  He gave us this year of peace and respite. He interrupted our plans in order to save us.  I am forever grateful. 

Part of me mourns going back to "normal" next year; 
however, I keep reminding myself that this past year was more amazing than I could have imagined, 
so why do I assume that the coming year won't be? 

Send us out Lord, quiet the aggravations of daily school life and surprise us with Your peace. 

We know we aren't sending our kids "out" as if they've been sheltered and "in" this year.  They've been going out in the world every day and our goal as parents is to make sure they recognize the light and power they carry with them, no matter where they go. Homeschool, public school, private school...they take Jesus with them. 

Lord, above all, remind us that deciding to homeschool or not is not NEARLY as important as deciding to wake up everyday and follow You. Everything else...details. 

So whatever it is that you are looking at today and praying about and scared to do...the only thing to be done is to speak:

And then go. 

Falling Apart or Falling Together: Wild, Terrifying, And Awesome!

At any moment, 
no matter what you do 
it could all fall apart. 


At any moment, 
no matter what you do 
it could all fall into place. 

No matter what you do, no matter which failsafe plans you have in place, no matter how deep in a pit you are, a series of events (or a single event) could change the course of your whole life. So know who you are, know Whose you are and don't be too proud of your accomplishments or too depressed about your lack. 

Love people hard, serve others, pour yourself out and let your worth not be found in your earthly abundance or lack. 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

When You Pick and Choose How to be Offended

When Christians pick and choose what to be offended by, it makes us look unreliable. 

And if we do this, we are. 

Here is some good advice even if you don't believe that this is the inspired word of God, living and active. 

Proverbs 19:11 
Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.

Proverbs 18:19 
A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city, and quarreling is like the bars of a castle.

James 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.

1 Peter 2:23 
When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.

Ephesians 4:26 
Be angry and do not sin

Mocked At Your Cross

And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, “Aha! You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself, and come down from the cross!” So also the chief priests with the scribes mocked him to one another, saying, “He saved others; he cannot save himself. Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross that we may see and believe. Mark 15:29-32 
In reading Jesus' story, what has hit me this morning especially hard is that when He was mocked on the cross and people were being sarcastic in His pain, He didn't respond. They asked why - if he was a literal miracle worker - He didn't save himself, which of course alluded to the fact that He was NOT who He said He was. That He wasn't capable of miracles. 

He didn't defend Himself.  HE KNEW the truth, HE KNEW what was coming, HE KNEW why, HE KNEW they would soon know. 

The end was more important 
than the present moment.  
The bigger picture was more important 
than making a defense for every comment 
with the little human energy He had left. 
 He didn't have to defend the truth 
because the truth stood when He couldn't. 

In a matter of days, many people would know and the shock of what was coming was the fuel that would push them to spread the word.  

In that moment, 
His quiet was louder than 
any earthly shout.

HE DIDN'T HAVE TIME to address the naysayers, He had a bigger work to do.  His energy was completely used up on the present moment. HIS PURPOSE. 

No lie or sarcastic comment will EVER touch purpose. 

It's so different from how we treat the truth today.  As if we have to defend it to make it true.  If you live your life in truth and people try to discount that verbally, you don't HAVE to defend it. You don't HAVE to waste the energy you have trying to make them see it.  You speak your truth.  You live your truth.  Then you walk on.  HOW FREEING IS THAT? 

As I was reading about Jesus, The Today Show was on in the background and I could hear them talking about presidential candidates and then they showed video of the candidates bickering. (I wrote this in 2016, btw). I different would this be if they each just spoke their truths, the end?  

They waste SO much energy 
defending what they believe 
that I actually don't even 
know what they believe. 
What is their truth?  
Does anyone even know?
Do they? 

And we act all appalled at how they are behaving, but we are no different.  We both defend our truth until it's lost and demand that others defend theirs so that we can judge its worthiness.  

BUT WE CAN ALL CHANGE.  Look at Jesus. LOOK AT HIM. Quit wasting so much energy defending yourself and just live whatever time you have left.  

If Jesus' teachings have taught me anything, 
it's that if we are defending something, 
may it be our fellow man. 
If our fists and voices are raised, 
may it be against injustice. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Willow's Good News! (more testing today)

Because Willow’s speech is so severely delayed, we had her assessed today to receive private speech therapy along with the awesome therapy she receives at school. Today was the first assessment I’ve ever gone to with Willow that I left surprised and flabbergasted.  That’s right, I said flabbergasted.  

Willow left with two suckers, one she snuck haha

When we were in Cincinnati 6 weeks ago with her developmental pediatrician, we noted that while she’s made huge improvements, she’s still developmentally-wise at about 24 months (if that). Willow is 3 and a half. Even with all of the many therapies she’s received in her lifetime, even with being in preschool, even with all the stuff we do at home that she doesn’t realize is “work.” We started to realize, ok, progress is good, but maybe she’ll never get “better.” Maybe she’ll just always be delayed and that’s ok.  And we really are ok with that…we just want Willow, not necessarily development. 

And then today happened.  The miraculous. 

As the speech therapist evaluated her, I saw her do things I’ve NEVER EVER seen her do.  Understand things she’s never understood.  For example, Willow would look at a page with four different pictures and be asked, “Sally got hurt, how do you think she got hurt?” Willow pointed at the picture of Sally who fell off the bike, as opposed to Sally sitting on a chair, or Sally eating sushi (ok, that wasn’t an option, I’m just really craving a Godzilla roll). 

Wait, what was I saying?

Question after question after question like that, she answered appropriately. Then out of nowhere, she showed us that she knows the difference between boy and girl. 

She doesn’t know any of the alphabet (but she knows the rhythm of the song!), she doesn't use pronouns or verbs, she doesn't have a grasp on shape/letter/number recognition, but who cares? She loves to snuggle me, that’s all I care about. 

Question: What is the shape of a snuggle?  
Follow up: Just snuggle me, toddler. 

The biggest thing:  SHE CAN FLIPPING COUNT TO 10 (sort of).  She knows the rhythm of counting, she gets to 3 and then 5 and then 8,9,TEN.  She doesn’t exactly understand the concept of counting, but she can say the numbers!!!  WHEN DID SHE LEARN THAT????  Miss Susie and Miss Amanda are miracle workers. New Beginnings Childcare and Learning Center was a godsend. 

I will remember this moment.  I’ll hang onto it on the hard days and use it as fuel to keep me going when the days are frustrating and it seems as if we are going backwards.  Most of the time the process of growth of anything is painful, so if we want the results, we have to put up with the pain.  I wrote a poem about it HERE called, "To Remain A Seed" if you'd like to read it. 

That said, results aren’t what I’m going for. It’s giving her the tools she needs to be who God called her to be and that’s Willow Gracen Hutchinson, lover of water and dancing to the theme songs of cartoons.  It’s LoLo who insists on sleeping next to her daddy every night saying, “I seep dahhhhhhdyyyy.”  It’s Lo who is so quick to say “I’m sorry” which is WAY more important than letters and numbers in my book! It's LoLo G who thinks she has to fake cough before she takes a drink of water, even if no one is looking. It's this little thang that sees blueberries in the store and shouts out (as loud as her toddler voice can) BOOOOOBIES!!!!!!

A funny thing that happened was when the speech therapist asked her, “where is your elbow?” and Willow pointed to her hair bow. Willow looked pretty proud of herself and it made sense since she calls it an "ow boh." She got full credit for answering that one!

From the beginning, everyone sort of suspected childhood apraxia of speech (rightly so, it seemed as if that is what the diagnosis would end up being) which is a tough road. We could have done it, but our road is already tough and I was tired thinking about it.  Today, while we haven’t ruled out apraxia completely, it seems that it’s a phonological disorder instead (still a tough road, but not necessarily a neurological one). We heard words today like: final consonant deletion, initial consonant deletion, cluster reduction, fronting and stopping.

Guys, today I’m just encouraged. Hopeful. Joyful. Not looking ahead. Enjoying the daily bread that God has given me and today it happens to be honey cornbread, which is my favorite.  Or oooohhhhhhhh those crescent rolls at Cheddars. 

#ps #ilovefood  

I’m proud of Willow and it has nothing to do with what age she tests as or what new skills she develops. I’m just so proud to be her mom, period.  She doesn't resist the winds of change and hardship, she embraces and then dances with them. She’s as resilient as a Willow Tree.  

Ever bending; never breaking

Saturday, March 18, 2017

To Remain A Seed (a poem)

The Conception 
A seed 
That didn't choose to be buried
Begins covered and in darkness 
Its first commission is struggle
To get out of itself 
To get out of the earth
Courageously destroying 
And escaping
Its own protection 

The Death
The abrasive dirt holds on
Not willing to let go but willing to ruin
"If I can't have you, no one can"
Stripping it bare of its covering
But what was meant to destroy, releases
Deep in the earth, the seed's defense
Becomes part of the the very soil 
That will be taken up 
Into its roots as nourishment
Death contributing to life  
A necessary bravery 
Once the shell is shed 
There is no going back
It can never be a seed again
Risking demise in order to rise

The Birth
The bud awakens, original
To a strange and unfamiliar world
Growing furiously post mortem
As newness bursts through 
The surface of the soil 
Seeking that which will give it a covering
Leaves, Petals, Strength

The Sun
An ever-moving magnet 
Wherever it is in the sky 
That is where the little bud leans
Captivated by concentrated vitality 
Enchanted by absolute energy 
That willingly draws it into another's yoke

The Flower
Flourishing, dependent 
Clothed by another
Its true self revealed, post struggle 
Petals stretch and colors flow
As purpose explodes earth-side 
The flower exists to seek the sun  
And be veiled in its brilliance

Dear Reader, The Problem
If a seed never struggles 
To break out of its shell
It will start to feel comfortable
Deep in the earth
Soon it won't remember
That it was supposed to be 
Anything but a seed
It remains alone
Clinging to a covering that strangles 
The seed's inevitable, unseen death
Produces nothing 

Dear Reader, The Lesson
A seed is not meant to remain a seed 
To inhabit its shell forever
Its purpose is fighting to die  
Against itself
Against the unforgiving earth
Against the impulse to remain unchanged
The war to shed its skin results
In rising new 
Yielding immeasurable fruit 
Life that continues forever

Unshelled, unveiled 

-Courtney Hutchinson