Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Keep Your Eyes Focused on Where You're Going

When I was in middle school, I was trying to learn how to do a full ( twist in the air) in gymnastics. I was trying SO hard, week after week, but I just couldn’t complete the turn no matter how hard I tried.  

basically, that was me

My trainer videotaped me and realized that while my body and arms were twisting one way, my head was turning the other.  They needed to twist together. Once I was conscious of what I was doing, I could fix it.  The very first time I turned my head in the direction the rest of me was moving, I got it.  Immediately.  In fact, I ended up making a turn and a half. It was like magic…that one little thing. 

The moral of this is, you can’t look in a different direction than the direction you’re traveling if you actually want to get anywhere.  I know you’ve heard this before.  You can’t look behind you, you can’t focus on your past and move toward your future.  You just can’t.  It stops your momentum and you end up constantly striving really hard to never arrive. 

YOU KNOW THIS, I know you do.  But it’s not enough to know it.  Now…turn your head and get moving. 

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