Monday, March 6, 2017

Freedom in the Mess

"What no wife of a writer can ever understand is that a writer is working when he's staring out of the window." 
-Burton Rascoe

This ^^ is writing.

Zoe is writing a book for Hutch School and what I've learned is that she is not comfortable in the messy parts of creativity. If I say, "take some notes...just write out the first thing that comes into your head," she stresses out.  What makes me feel free, makes her feel antsy. 

This picture is of her just thinking. I let her know that she didn't have to do anything but let her mind wander all over the place when thinking about her main character.  I said, "most of my writing happens when I'm staring off into the distance." She rolled her eyes and said, "I know that look." Ha! My poor, poor family...

I'm trying to teach her the freedom in the mess but I think what I'm learning is that some people aren't wired that way and that's ok. 

I am Zoe's teacher and she is mine: my favorite part of HutchSchool. 

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