Monday, March 6, 2017

Anxiety Doesn't Even Make Sense

Zoe was having some anxiety about going somewhere that she had been a million times; it was affecting the flow of our evening. I got aggravated with her and screamed "YOU AREN'T MAKING ANY SENSE!" 

I heard myself saying the very thing that drives me most nuts about how people respond to any mental issue. 

That's the point. 

Saying that (or any shallow platitude) doesn't help nor does it make the person feel better to have it pointed out. 

Anxiety can be an irrational, maddening beast. 
Logic doesn't calm the beast.

Rational doesn't fix irrational in this case. 

Not only did I point it out to her as if it would fix everything, I did it in anger and frustration. Thank God I heard myself. I'm a work in progress. 

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