Sunday, February 19, 2017

Asher Singing in the School Talent Show 2016

Click on the above link to watch Ash sing 

This is Asher performing a Kyle Dine song for his school's talent show last year. The first minute of the video introduces him, explains his medical conditions and lists his allergies. He then talks about how to use an epi-pen. He wears his epi-pens around his waist which works really great for him!

He was so scared to sing but he got up there and did it afraid! 
Asher is my hero!


This is Asher's interpretation of how to use an epi-pen; it is him showing his school a little bit about his auto-injector. He is not an expert, we are always learning. Talk with your children, go over your individual allergy plans together, consult your doctor and follow the instructions on the manufacturer's website. He has experienced anaphylaxis 7 times and the last time he administered epinephrine by himself!

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