Monday, February 20, 2017

My Facebook Status is LIFE

Nothing is as cut and dry as a Facebook status because it can't capture all of the complexities of an issue. As you hit "post," you're either going to get people applauding you, people debating you or people ignoring you. So the key is to not get too proud of your own thoughts, rants, vents, head shakes and opinions. 

We all need to stop, think, and pretend like we're speaking to a real human being. Because we are. Lots of them and the keyboard can skew everything you say while making tone hard to understand. No one is right while everyone feels right. That doesn't even add up. 

Don't get too proud. 
Especially if your words hurt and alienate 
but don't teach or provide solutions.

Don't get too proud. 
Especially if the scriptures you quote 
are hurled through cyberspace 
like weapons and don't edify. 

Don't get too proud. 

If you hit post and think to yourself something like, "Well that'll show them. They can just DEFRIEND ME if they don't like it!" then I want you to do something for me. Imagine sitting in a coffee shop across from the person you hope will read it and speaking what you just typed while daring them to get out of your life if they don't like it. Imagine Jesus saying that to you. Would He? Would you?

Let's soften our hearts and quit assuming so much. Acting this way makes it easy for us to lump people together and then give up on them. That's not what I want humanity to be. I don't ever want anyone giving up on me. So I won't give up in you. 

I won't act like my one status can encompass all of the emotions and layers of what you're facing. I don't know all the "whys" and I don't know where you've come from. But I've decided to love you; which means I can't talk down to you and feel proud for saying something that will get people riled up over your personal pain. 

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