Saturday, February 25, 2017

Why You Gotsta Be Like That, Toddler? Hashtag Geez

When you are emotionally spent because of..whatever, guess what?  Your kids still need you.  I wrote that sentence like: 

When someone dies, or is diagnosed, or you're sick, or your significant other has an affair, or your child experiences anaphylaxis AGAIN, ET to tha CETERA! It doesn't matter, kids don't care. 

It's exhausting and not their fault, but man, it's hard. I often feel like when I'm at my most worn and sad and confused, that is when 3 year old Willow needs me the most but I feel like screaming at her, "GET AWAY AND LET ME GRIEVE/BE SAD.


How dare they still need us when we need so much ourselves! That's how I feel anyway. Guess what this blog is not?  Inspirational.  I'm sure there is a reason that toddlers gotsta be like that.  

For their good, 
for our good, 
for our lessons 
and their lessons 
and blah blah blah. 

You can quote me on that majestic inspiration. But I just want you to reassure you that if you notice this phenomenon, so do I.  Know that I'm with you, fellow survivors.

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