Friday, February 24, 2017

When I Find My Courage in Him (a poem by yours truly)

 I look at the sickness square in its face, 
desperate I scream 
But all my brave words disappear in the end, 
when I find my courage in Him

Eyes fixed on the waves, rocking this ship
Holding tight to the helm,
But all my brave words disappear in the end, 
when I find my courage in Him 

I try to be strong, appear in control, 

trembling, I shout to the dark, 
But all my brave words disappear in the end, 
when I find my courage in Him 

He looks at His child, who's fought for so long
"Beloved," He sings, "Rest now, you are Home
I'll take up your cause and I'll fight your fight 
Defeat the waves, the sickness, the night
Give me your hand, surrender control
Die to yourself in me you are whole
Look in my eyes and quiet your voice
I've opened your mouth so you can rejoice! 
As all your brave words disappear, it's the end 
Your Courage is here, let's begin" 


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