Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Warning: Quotes on Mental Illness

I keep seeing variations of the quote "depression and anxiety aren't a sign of weakness. They're a sign that you've tried to be strong for too long."  How about they're a sign that you suffer from anxiety and depression? That's all. 

I don't agree with this way of thinking and I think it is dangerous. I don't have to try to be anything and these bad boys can come out of nowhere. It has nothing to do with strength or weakness for me. 

Sometimes you suffer from mental illness due to wonky brain connections or because you've been blindsided by the world or they happen ante/post partum when it has nothing to do with "trying to be strong for too long." 

Pretty words don't always equal truth. I tell you this because I'm a word girl and am particularly prone to equate the two.

I do love quotes though. 

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