Friday, February 17, 2017

Leave Vengeance to God

The Lord says that vengeance belongs to Him. This doesn't mean that He's merely taking away your satisfaction in retribution. It means that He's taking away your need to want it. He's lovingly taking that from you. It's the truest freedom I know. 
He goes deeper than your present moment and takes on the very thing that will not only cover the current heated moment, but also your future. That's how much he loves you. 

Throw away your need to get even, it's only destroying you; let God handle it. Because when HE repays evil, it's in perfect love -- for the good of all and for His own glory. When WE do it, it just makes us feel better and then stops. 

Let His vengeance work. 
Let your vengeance end. 
Be free. 

“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, 
but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, 
"Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."”
Romans 12:19

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