Saturday, February 11, 2017

It's Ok, Even When It's Not

This sight greeted me in the middle of the night. 
It was not ok. 

Zoe doesn't read for fun. 

Willow is 3 and a half and not potty trained. 

Asher is too aggressive with fake swords sometimes. 

We rarely eat at the dinner table. 

Sometimes we have petty arguments in front of the kids where we act exactly how we punish them for acting. 

Some days we hit the same drive thru twice. 

One day I fed my kids shredded cheese as the main dish for dinner. 

Some Sunday mornings I walk into church smiling and then worship Jesus after screaming at my kids, rolling my eyes at Isaac in the car and leaving my home looking like a hurricane hit it.  

Just a few friendly reminders that it's ok. 
What are some things that you could add to this list? 

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