Friday, February 17, 2017

I Love Watching Isaac BE Daddy

Do you know what I love about parenting with Isaac? When I can see him parent when I'm not with him. For example, I was washing his work clothes and didn't check the pockets thoroughly, so when I  switched them over to the dryer, there were a bunch of pop tabs in the bottom. 

I smiled. Why?

Because Willow's preschool classroom is collecting pop tabs for The Ronald McDonald house and in my mind I could see him remembering her at work. I could see him almost throw his drink away and smile a little as he took the pop tab off first and throw it in his pocket. For her.  For his daughter. 

It's just dad life and it comes so naturally to him. 

Daddy with Zoe
Daddy with Asher
Daddy with Willow 

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