Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Devil Doesn't Care If You Go To Church

I don't think the devil is concerned with us going to church. I think he's concerned with us taking what we get there and leaving the church (building). 

Leaving, doing, going,  
being, serving, loving, 
ing, ing, ing

I think he's concerned with us 
being the church. 

When we shut the doors of the church, it's true that no one can get in or out. But also, the same air circulates in that building. All the same offenses and fights and whatever issues we have with one another begin to stink and the stench only grows. Nothing can grow in that atmosphere. 


Air it out! 

Leave the building and come back. 
Leave the building and come back. 
Leave the building and come back. 

Take Jesus to people, bring people to church--neither is more important than the other--just open up those doors and BE.  

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